Healthy and achievable weight loss tips

Have you tried every diet out there to lose weight, only to find that whilst it works initially, it then stops working and you put all that weight back on again?

Managing your weight is all about your metabolism – this is your fat-burning tool, which requires a multi-factored approach by eating the right nutrient-rich foods, getting your body moving and having a good night’s sleep.

Why don’t fad diets work?

With clever marketing tactics that lure you into false promises, these diets often cost a fortune. Then, you may be required to cut out entire food groups or stick to a particular type of food, which results in your body being depleted of essential nutrients which are vital to keeping your metabolism working as it should. This often leaves you feeling hungry and you start to reach for those sugary snacks again.

So, if you’re tired of fad diets or the perpetual cycle of losing weight then putting it all back on again, then look no further.

Here are some practical tips to help you lose weight naturally and keep it off

Cook fresh whole food so you know what you’re eating. This gives you total control over what you put in your body. Fresh food contains more nutrients and flavour, which is so much better for your health. Choose seasonal produce, direct from a farm or farmer’s markets wherever possible.

Avoid processed and junk food which contain an array of toxic ingredients such as over-cooked oils, preservatives, hidden sugars, flavouring enhancers and sweeteners that lead to blood sugar and hormone imbalance, cravings, and poor metabolism.

Consuming an organic, whole food plant-based that is rich in nutrients provides low-calorie, high-fibre and high-density foods that help keep you satiated and fuller for longer.

Eat lots of different coloured fruits and vegetables which are packed full of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants – key nutrients that promote healthy metabolism and blood sugar balance. If your body gets all the nutrients it needs to function optimally, you will experience less cravings for foods with empty calories and feel more energised.

Ditch sugar and refined carbohydrates/ grains (white flour products) as these have a negative impact on hormones and blood sugar balance in the body. Optimum, balanced blood sugar levels are important for weight loss.

Include quality protein at every meal such as lean meat, fish, beans, lentils, peas, nuts and seeds. Protein reduces hunger hormones and makes you feel full long after eating. It also anchors your blood sugar levels and helps you build muscle which aids fat burning.

Increase soluble fibre intake (beans, sprouts, sweet potatoes, broccoli, pears) as fibre helps reduce your appetite by keeping you full for longer. It feeds your gut bacteria and keeps your bowels moving regularly. It also improves your body’s response to insulin which is important for weight loss by regulating your blood sugar. Insulin works by decreasing blood sugar levels by pushing glucose into cells so it can be used for energy, instead of being stored as fat.

Healthy fats are your friend. Healthy fats are essential for good health; they help the body to make hormones, protect your cell membranes and support absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, D, E and K). Good fats include avocado, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds and flaxseed oil which also promote healthy weight loss as they provide fuel for cells and not just extra calories.

Season your foods with herbs and spices such as paprika, cayenne pepper, fennel, cumin garlic and coriander, instead of adding salt and sugar.

Avoid over-cooking to maintain nutrients. Heating foods to a high temperature, whether that be boiling or frying, reduces the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in food. Aim to eat foods in their raw form or lightly sauté or steam where necessary. 

Reduce coffee as it stimulates the nervous system triggering the stress response in the body. Adrenaline and cortisol production surges which increases the release of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream and can also lead to insulin resistance (when your cells do not respond to insulin and therefore store the sugar as fat instead). Drinking coffee can interrupt sleep, negatively affect blood sugar and contribute to weight gain.

Don’t drink sugary drinks. They all contain huge amounts of sugar which causes inflammation and weight gain. This includes fruit juices, fizzy drinks, energy drinks and sport drinks, as well as the low-sugar alternatives which contain artificial sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup. Consuming large amounts of can lead to diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and obesity, as we can’t metabolise fructose very easily.

Aim for 1.5 litres of water a day. Your body is 70% water, and keeping yourself hydrated throughout the day, reduces hunger, and nourishes your cells. It also helps to detoxify and flush out toxins through your liver and kidneys. Avoid tap water and drink filtered water instead.  Try adding lemon, peppermint leaves or cucumber to give it more taste.

Avoid alcohol as it’s very inflammatory and causes blood sugar imbalance. Alcohol also contains sugar and a lot of calories that lead to weight gain. 

Some key Lifestyle tips

Focus on Sleep quality. Just like stress, poor sleep negatively affects your body by stimulating extra cortisol production. Implement a healthy sleep routine and ensure you relax before bedtime. Do something relaxing before bed like taking a warm bath, reading a book or drinking a cup of chamomile tea.Limit screen time and avoid watching scary movies or conflict with your partner.

Move your Body as daily exercise helps to burn excess calories and fat and regulates hormone production. Besides being a mood enhancer (producing endorphins), exercise also helps to build muscle mass which can reduce insulin resistance. 

Manage stress levels. Stress is extremely damaging to your health and can create unhealthy eating habits and hormonal imbalance. The body’s stress response triggers the release of excess cortisol (your stress hormone) which stimulates glucose release in the blood and drives up insulin, increasing your appetite and cravings for sweet and fatty foods.



Do you want to learn more about how to kickstart your metabolism and lose weight naturally? Or need some coaching and support to keep you on track with your weight loss goals, then please get in touch with me.


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