Is drinking coffee good or bad for you?
Well, it’s not that straightforward and depends on your overall health and how you are drinking coffee.
Caffeine increases cortisol, a stress hormone, so it can make some people feel wired and “on edge.” In general, studies show that the short-term effects of caffeine include tightening of blood vessels, resulting in increased blood pressure, so for some, caffeine can cause a speeding heart rate and disrupt heart rhythms. So, how much coffee you drink really matters. Significantly raised Cortisol levels also have a knock-on effect on weight gain, so if you’re struggling to lose weight, then reduce or stop your coffee intake altogether.
Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, so you lose fluid and become de-hydrated very quickly. Make sure that for every cup of coffee, you drink at least 1 additional glass of water ( above your daily intake of 1.5 litres).
The hidden aspect of consuming coffee is what you have it with. I recommend that you avoid creamers, artificial sweeteners and sugar. Instead, take it as an espresso, or use plain dairy or dairy alternatives such as almond, coconut or oat milk.
A key reason to avoid caffeine is that drinking coffee and STRESS do not sit well together – you should only drink coffee when relaxed and well hydrated.
But, on the plus side, coffee contains phytonutrients, such as chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid, which may help the liver process blood sugar more efficiently. So, the good news is that drinking 2 or 3 cups a day has been linked with lower rates of type 2 diabetes.
Main Benefits:
- Makes you smarter – as a stimulant, it can help you to concentrate and perform better. It temporarily improves mood, reaction time, memory and general brain function.
- Burns Fat – by increasing your metabolism and increases oxidation of fatty acids.
- Lowers risk of type 2 Diabetes – has been shown in studies to assess impact on insulin levels.
- Loaded with antioxidants – which help to reduce inflammation and improve lifespan
There is also a genetic link associated with coffee being beneficial or not, as some people metabolise coffee more quickly and easily than others. You may lie awake for hours at night whilst your partner falls asleep immediately!
My advice is that it’s HOW you drink your coffee that really matters.
- Keep hydrated.
- Don’t drink more than 2 cups a day, ideally before 3pm.
- Don’t rush it, make time to relax and savour the beautiful aroma.
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